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Print Management: The Hero You Didn’t Know You Needed

Does printing feel like a necessary evil in your office? It may seem like frustrating errors and rising costs are just part of the territory, but there’s a better way. Enter print management. If you’re looking for ways to save time and money on printing, you’re in the right place. Discover what print management is and why you’ll be glad you Googled it. 

What Is Print Management?

Print management involves tracking and optimizing printing in your business. While most businesses don’t track printing costs, it could be the budget vampire you’ve been looking for. The average business spends 1–3% of their annual revenue on printing. Yikes. Print management can help you: 

  • Identify how much you’re spending on printing 
  • Make printing a more convenient process for everyone 
  • Reduce cost and waste 
  • Increase printer security 

What Is The Difference Between Print Management And Managed Print Services?

If you’re looking for printer-related solutions, you’ll also see the phrase “managed print services” come up. Some providers, including NBM, offer both and can help you decide which is a better fit. 

While print management and managed print services are related, they are not the same thing. Print management focuses on the overall control and optimization of printing processes within an organization.

On the other hand, managed print services involves outsourcing the management of printing devices and related services to a third-party provider. These providers take care of everything from hardware installation and maintenance to supply replenishment and troubleshooting.

Managed print services often include print management software as part of their offering, but their scope extends beyond just software. They provide a comprehensive print solution, handling all aspects of print infrastructure and management.

What Are The Benefits of Print Management?

At the core of print management is software — a program that allows you to track and manage printer settings and devices. There are lots of benefits to it:

Cost savings: Print management software helps identify areas of unnecessary waste, so you can implement print policies to reduce costs. Like, did you know that your account team is printing full-color, one-sided project briefs? With print management software, you can encourage users to reduce waste by printing double-sided, black and white whenever possible. 

Enhanced security: Print management software enables secure print release, a feature that protects sensitive documents from being left in the print tray. Users authenticate their identity at the printer before accessing their documents. 

Increased convenience: Have you tried to print something and walked all the way to the printer only to find it didn’t go through? Back to your desk. Then, back to the printer. One benefit of print management software is an easy-to-use printing dashboard. You can see all your printers at once, a printing queue and any errors that need service. That means less time spent messing with the printer and more time actually doing your job. Plus, some print management software enables you to print from any device, like your phone or tablet. 

What Are The Different Levels Of Print Management (And Which Do You Need)?

There are lots of different print management providers, and they all offer different levels of service. But typically, they range from basic to more advanced. Another distinction in print management solutions is whether you host the software on a server or the software provider hosts it in the cloud. Typically, businesses with more complex printing needs host themselves while businesses with simpler needs outsource hosting. 

PaperCut, a leading print management company, is a good example of your available options. 

Print Managment Software Options

Why Get Print Management Through A Managed Service Provider?

The best way to get started with print management is through a managed service provider (MSP). These providers have a holistic view of office efficiency and can help you find the right solutions for your business and budget. 

Plus, they can offer a higher level of service. NBM, a top MSP in New England, offers fast and in-person service calls. If you’ve ever introduced a new process or resource to a business, you know that change causes friction. Having someone on-site to help smooth out any bumps ensures you get all the benefits you’re looking for. And as your business grows, NBM can easily scale to meet your needs. 

Print Management To The Rescue 

Ready to turn printing from a problem child into a prodigy? Reach out to an NBM print management specialist to learn more and get a quote.