NBM: New England’s Trusted Technology Company
Northern Business Machines, Inc. officially rebranded to NBM in 2017. We changed our logo, changed our colors, and launched a brand new website. We also adopted a new tag line…”Your Trusted Technology Company”.
Why the rebranding and why the new tag line? As our business has evolved through the years, we were forced to adapt and needed to become more than just a copier sales and service organization. We now engage customers on a variety of levels involving many different technology and service offerings.
It’s funny to think back to the first time that we stepped out of our comfort zone. In 1988, we made the bold decision to begin selling fax machines. As silly as it seems now, we couldn’t have been more apprehensive about branching out with this scary new technology. Looking back, we probably lost out on significant market share by not jumping in sooner.
During the decade of the ‘90s, the industry transitioned from stand-alone analog copiers to digital multi-functional devices. Our service staff was forced to become network savvy because our products were now being used for network printing and scanning applications. This was the real game changer because our ability to now work with clients on IT related issues opened many doors for us as the years progressed.
In the early 2000’s, many of our engineering, architectural, manufacturing and design clients began inquiring about wide-format technology. We became and authorized dealer for KIP and HP Designjet products in 2004 to fill that need for our clients.
We launched our Managed Print Services department in 2008 and now service more than 9,000 devices for our 100+ MPS customers. We provide all of the service and supplies for an entire fleet of printers and generate a single monthly invoice.
We partnered with FP Mailing three years ago to be able to provide postage meters and folding/inserting equipment for our clients. Our customers appreciate being able to engage with us on several levels. It really streamlines the amount of vendors they need to juggle.
Lastly, we were approached by a small law firm six years ago and asked if we did outsourced IT. We had only a single IT customer at that time and yes, it was Northern Business Machines. We knew that we had the technical expertise to support other organizations and a 25 year track record of providing exceptional break-fix service to small businesses throughout New England. Our Managed IT group now supports 50 customers. We have designed and installed entire networks, completed wiring projects, installed digital advertising displays and carry a full line of smart board products.
If you are a New England based business, NBM wants to be your trusted technology company.
– Vern Hydorn, Vice President