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Managed IT Services For Small Business: 5 Reasons You’re Not Investing

Googling “Information Technology” is like setting yourself adrift in the Atlantic. There are a million different sides to IT – software, cybersecurity, network infrastructure, email administration, and on and on. As a small or medium-sized business, it can be overwhelming to narrow down what you actually need for your operation.

It’s clear you need something to support your business’s technology. But can you afford another thing to offset revenue? Take a look at the top five reasons owners are not investing to find out whether Managed IT Services for small business is worth your time.


1. “I Didn’t Know It Was an Option.”

Perhaps the most common reason people don’t choose Managed IT Services is because they aren’t aware it’s an option. Or maybe they’ve heard the term but don’t realize it’s a potential solution for their business.

So, what does Managed IT Services even mean? In the simplest terms, Managed IT Services are the IT needs you outsource to another business, also known as a Managed Service Provider (MSP).

Not all MSPs are the same, but they typically offer a range of services, including:

  • Network administration
  • Cybersecurity
  • Data backup and recovery
  • Collaboration software
  • IT support
  • Strategic IT guidance

2. “It’s Out of Sight, Out of Mind.”

Many IT services happen behind the scenes. While the effect of faster laptops is easy to see and justify, other things aren’t. Things like cybersecurity measures, network administration, and data backup don’t regularly come up in day-to-day operations. So it can be easy to discount their value.

But just because you don’t see these services in action every day doesn’t mean they’re not crucial to your business’s success. In fact, if they’re working properly, you shouldn’t have to think about them. Only when there’s a cyberattack or a data loss will you wish you’d invested.

Small business owner evaluates the consequences of a cyberattack.

3. “My Business Doesn’t Need It.”

Specifically when it comes to cybersecurity, many small businesses simply don’t see the need. But there’s no getting around it: small businesses are not exempt from cybercrime. In fact, many hackers target small businesses specifically because they’re easy targets.

46% of all cyber breaches impact businesses with fewer than 1,000 employees.

It’s not just your financial information that’s at stake. If you deal with customer data, you have a responsibility to protect it. In many cases, it’s the law.

Another reason many businesses don’t think they need an MSP is that they already have an IT specialist on their team. However, the two aren’t mutually exclusive. Many MPSs help supplement internal IT teams. It’s simply impossible for one person to be an expert in every aspect of IT. In most cases, an MSP has experience with many different networks and can make integrated recommendations for your business.

Most likely your IT team is spending the majority of their time fixing technical problems in the business. That means they don’t have the capacity to actually move the business forward and focus on strategic IT. Parenting with an MSP can assume some of that burden and free up your team to focus on more important work.

4. “Managed IT Services Are Too Expensive.”

Managed IT Services may sound expensive, but you’d be surprised. You’re already paying for IT in some form or another, whether that’s with your time or a lineup of vendors.

Because MSPs have partnerships with other technology companies and pay for many things in bulk, they get better pricing than you would as a single business. They can then pass those discounts on to you, helping to consolidate costs. MSPs also manage and monitor those solutions for you to ensure that critical alerts are being addressed.

It’s important to consider the long-term value of improved security and efficiency. With the average data breach costing $3.31 million for organizations with fewer than 500 employees, the value of protection far outweighs the expense.

While it’s harder to provide a number, increased productivity from more efficient technology and IT Support is also a key factor. What could your business accomplish if it wasn’t wasting time with slow computers and disjointed software?

5. “It’s Just Not a Good Fit.”

When it comes to investing your hard-earned capital, sometimes you just have to rely on your gut. And if an MSP doesn’t feel right for your business, it probably isn’t.

But not all MSPs are the same. If you decide to investigate this option, avoid these red flags in a potential provider:

Their approach is one-size-fits-all. Different businesses have different IT needs based on their industry, size, and operations. A good Managed IT Service Provider should take the time to understand your specific requirements and tailor their services accordingly. They shouldn’t try to force a predetermined package or solution that may not be the best fit for your business.

They’re not proactive. An MSP should do more than fix what’s broken. Look for a provider that will continuously monitor your systems, perform regular maintenance, and implement preventive measures to minimize downtime and resolve potential issues before they escalate.

They limit in-person support. While remote support can remedy some issues, IT problems don’t discriminate and many require hands-on troubleshooting. Many Managed IT Service Providers limit the number of on-site visits included in their plans, which can lead to additional costs, delays in resolving complex issues, and unpredictable monthly billing. Look for a provider with an all-inclusive model so you can focus on your business.

They don’t forecast expenses. Unexpected IT costs can strain your budget and disrupt your financial planning. A reputable Managed IT Service Provider should conduct regular forecasting meetings with you to identify any potential significant expenses on the horizon, such as hardware upgrades or software renewals. This transparency allows you to plan and budget accordingly.

They don’t have strong industry connections. Providers with partnerships and certifications from industry leaders like Microsoft and national technology groups can often provide faster support, prioritized service, cutting-edge knowledge, and better pricing due to their status and purchasing power. These connections can benefit your business by ensuring prompt resolution of issues and access to the latest technologies at competitive rates.


At NBM, we understand the unique challenges small businesses face when it comes to IT management. As a leading Managed IT Service Provider, we offer customized solutions designed to help you streamline operations, reduce costs, and stay ahead of the curve.

Don’t let misconceptions or fear hold you back from investing in your business’s future. Check out our comprehensive guide to Managed IT for small and mid-size business owners to get everything you need to know.