Looking for Tax Relief in 2021?
Section 179 Tax Deduction and Inventory Availability
If you are looking to reduce your tax liability in 2021, the Section 179 Tax Deduction is a great way to do it. A majority of the office automation products carry a five year depreciation schedule. The Section 179 Tax Deduction allows companies to claim 100% of the expense in the calendar year in which it is installed.
Copiers, printers, IT hardware, wide-format technology, mailing equipment, document management software, and interactive display boards would all qualify for the Section 179 Deduction. We are still experiencing backorders with many of our manufacturers due to the computer chip shortage so please plan accordingly if you would like to take delivery before the end of the year.
Please contact your NBM sales representative to discuss potential purchases and to get an update on specific inventory availability. Visit www.section179.org for more information.
Vern Hydorn
Vice President of Sales, NBM
(781) 272-2034, x1000